Sunday, November 16, 2014


Capitalism- A Love Story (Trailer)
This movie actually informed a lot of things that I never really knew about (well, I guess for the most part so didn't many Americans, hence Michael Moore's adventure). There was a family that Mr. Moore picked for an interview that really tugged at my heart strings and their story almost compelled me to cry (I completely forgot what that family's story was about, but I will tell you tears were almost spilled). There was one woman whose husband that passed away was insured by their bank so that the bank would solely receive the benefits of him dying. And how they refer to this man (and many others) was with such a demeaning term, "Dead Peasants", which infuriated the wife because the bank had hoped the man would die, and now they insult him.

I think that it's pretty essential for Mr. Moore to be doing such acts so that many people have the chance to learn about it. I do find him quite annoying at some times, but he's still a valuable resource that puts in the effort for me to dig up information that isn't made aware to the masses.

Fun singing Facts #6

Singing has been known to relieve stress and anxiety issues by releasing endorphin and oxytocin, two hormones that directly impact your level of happiness. So, there's seriously no shame in singing no matter where you are, be it the shower, at home, in public sometimes. There are places where one should definitely not sing for the fact of being considerate of others, like a funeral (unless it was planned), during a moment of silence, and not near a snowy mountain that is very sensitive to loud noises that would result in an unfortunate avalanche. But, making oneself happy is very essential, and singing is absolutely free and accessible to anybody.

Cool fact, is that when two or more people begin to harmonize with each other, their heart beats become in sync.

Their heart's rhythm is actually guided by the song, in terms of when to breathe, how quick the song is, and what the volume of the song is. All these factors determine a group's rhythm of heart beating. So, it's a pretty cool thought that if you ever sang in a choir, that the conductor of the group was actually controlling the speed of multiple hearts.

Overall, singing can be very therapeutic whether it be alone, in groups, or even controlled by someone with a wand in their hand.

Shorter Classes #5

I think the thought is a fantastic idea. This sort of integrating an alternative route for those who just want to get through the "mandatory" classes that do not quite benefit their career choice is the much more ideal route. As Jason Reynolds said,"I think it's good they are offering it," he said of the shorter courses. "Everyone is different." I believe this is essentially true for those who are more comfortable with speeding along. 

But, it's not necessarily a bad thing either, it's simply just another choice that is not forced upon anybody. In concern to the faculty members who don't feel like much input was gathered, that they believe accelerated classes don't offer students the best education, well, they might be absolutely right.

 Some people are comfortable and right at home with their 7 1/2 week course, but for others, the ones who just do it to get it over with quicker and don't care to retain the information, it's still perfect for them as well since the course to them simply might just be an obstacle to obtain what they really want.

A personal example in my case.

Bionic Eye For The Blind #4

In  previous science fiction tales of cyborgs with enhanced cybernetic eyes that allow them to surpass human limitations, has almost become a reality. There was a man who was chosen to be the seventh candidate for a trial of testing the new "Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Device." This device allows the wearer to be able to see flashes of lights that stimulate images to be seen, in other words, "Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses." 

Here is an image of the technology after it is surgically implanted in the eyeball. 

And here is the seventh candidate, Larry Hester who has been blind for the past thirty years, wearing the device.

After putting them on for the first time, he was exclaiming how he can see for the first time in a while. His wife immediately started crying with tears of joy. 

Here is a four minute video showing the reaction of Larry Hester, his wife, and the doctors discussing about what he is able to see exactly. 
The doctor was able to clear up some misconceptions about device,"Hahn cautioned that the device will not restore normal eyesight , but instead provide a visual aid that could help Hester distinguish a door from a wall, or a crosswalk painted in a roadway. Hester describes seeing flashes of light that are more intense when he aims the camera at lights or light-colored objects." With future testing and teaching Larry Hester what the flashes of lights are able to discern, he will become more comfortable and skilled with this new ability. He plans to continue helping further the research so that more people who have retinal diseases might be able to see for the first time.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

#2 What Scoville Units Measure

There are quite a few peppers that are known to be the hottest peppers in the world. These of which are always trumped by the newest things due to personal challenges and odd wants. The first hot pepper that was introduced to me was called a habanero.
 Granted I didn't know what these were until my mother said, "Here, try one of these. You might like it." I didn't mind trying something new and popped one in my mouth, which was when she said,"SPIT IT OUT!!!!" By then, I had already swallowed a mini volcano. The habanero measures at 400,000 in scoville, a measurement of spicy heat, units.
Here we can see that the ghost pepper used to be the hottest pepper in the world until someone decided to crossbreed a red naga pepper and a Red Savina pepper to create something that can potentially kill someone depending on how their body reacts to it. I mean, the thing even looks unholy...
Here are some links to some very peculiar reactions to two very fantastic people eating these on their morning show. The first is a ghost pepper.

And this one is where they eat the devil's toenail (Carolina Reaper)

Entry #1 How awesome Blogs are

I think blogs are fantastic ways to express your own opinions on interesting, controversial, or new topics. Blogs are so intricate in the way one can network their information to share on such an efficient template and it's user friendly to follow favorite sources. Blogs are open to such diverse tone and style that allows for introducing very professional and personal info, why not both? Well anyone can, which grabs my interest because I enjoy the vast diversity of style of tones. I particularly enjoy when very critical information is being presented in such a comical way. It helps me retain information better if done so in such a way.

My one and only favorite blogger/comic artist/author, The Oatmeal. The most delightful blog I have ever come across that opened an array of information and joy for me. I have learned about what are now my heroes, such as Nicola Tesla, and Bartolome. He has casted a light on what were thought to be our American heroes that have discovered America, but in reality were some of the worse tyrants to ever step foot on this land. Such a person was Christopher Columbus. The way he provides such info is done through over dramatic, silly, and sometimes really serious and personal ways.  Please do read this comic if you ever get the chance.
This blog provides a vast amount of interesting subjects that are often with no correlation to one another. It could be absolutely random and delightful, or boring. But this particular blog post definitely caught my eye since I am absolutely fascinated with images of the galaxies. There was a sufficient amount of information provided with each picture, which was where they cited the source, and what the name of the nebulas were. I found this blog to be entertaining and a little insightful. The tone wasn't really stimulating or enticing, but the things shared are much appreciated. This blog provides cute little pictures of interesting art that can be done with coffee as well as very peculiar facts about coffee that I have never taken the time to investigate. Also, some artwork is composed by my favorite comic author The Oatmeal, so this is indeed very biased and I never would have found out about this blog if it wasn't for him. The rhetoric of the writing is very engaging and even appears that the author has consumed quite a bit of coffee.