Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bionic Eye For The Blind #4

In  previous science fiction tales of cyborgs with enhanced cybernetic eyes that allow them to surpass human limitations, has almost become a reality. There was a man who was chosen to be the seventh candidate for a trial of testing the new "Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Device." This device allows the wearer to be able to see flashes of lights that stimulate images to be seen, in other words, "Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses." 

Here is an image of the technology after it is surgically implanted in the eyeball. 

And here is the seventh candidate, Larry Hester who has been blind for the past thirty years, wearing the device.

After putting them on for the first time, he was exclaiming how he can see for the first time in a while. His wife immediately started crying with tears of joy. 

Here is a four minute video showing the reaction of Larry Hester, his wife, and the doctors discussing about what he is able to see exactly. 
The doctor was able to clear up some misconceptions about device,"Hahn cautioned that the device will not restore normal eyesight , but instead provide a visual aid that could help Hester distinguish a door from a wall, or a crosswalk painted in a roadway. Hester describes seeing flashes of light that are more intense when he aims the camera at lights or light-colored objects." With future testing and teaching Larry Hester what the flashes of lights are able to discern, he will become more comfortable and skilled with this new ability. He plans to continue helping further the research so that more people who have retinal diseases might be able to see for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, cybernetic technology has always interested me.
    I've been doing some research into their development.
    Like, what if we could boost our immune health indefinitely through the use of nano-tech?
    What if we could just replace our bodies with machines, becoming automatons?
    That would be a future that I'd like to see haha
