Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shorter Classes #5

I think the thought is a fantastic idea. This sort of integrating an alternative route for those who just want to get through the "mandatory" classes that do not quite benefit their career choice is the much more ideal route. As Jason Reynolds said,"I think it's good they are offering it," he said of the shorter courses. "Everyone is different." I believe this is essentially true for those who are more comfortable with speeding along. 

But, it's not necessarily a bad thing either, it's simply just another choice that is not forced upon anybody. In concern to the faculty members who don't feel like much input was gathered, that they believe accelerated classes don't offer students the best education, well, they might be absolutely right.

 Some people are comfortable and right at home with their 7 1/2 week course, but for others, the ones who just do it to get it over with quicker and don't care to retain the information, it's still perfect for them as well since the course to them simply might just be an obstacle to obtain what they really want.

A personal example in my case.

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