Sunday, December 7, 2014

What media does around me #9

I simply do not care and don't watch the news in anyway shape or form, even if eye-grabbing thumbnails are desperately waiting to be clicked on in the sides of Facebook. But, I have actually watched a particular video that was very emotionally appealing to me that completely went against the stereotypical wants in fashion. There were so many factors that were to be analyzed and considered in this video, such as, how were people going to react to it(good or bad), is the purpose of the video to start a movement, will it change our view?

I personally would want such mannequins(that are in the shapes people with deformities, missing limbs,etc oddly spread about in high-end markets so that people could be more aware of the disabled community. This video makes me try to empathize with these people on a level the best I can because I never really gave much thought to mannequins and how "perfect" they are, and how most people disregard to the disabled community in most cases. I tend to focus on how media really affects other people instead of how it might affect me personally because I care more about how the "underdog" is portrayed. I wish we would do something like this in almost every mall.


  1. This video really made me think. Why can't we do something like this in America?

  2. Stephan--Pretty good new entry topics and ideas. Keep digging into analysis.
