Sunday, November 16, 2014


Capitalism- A Love Story (Trailer)
This movie actually informed a lot of things that I never really knew about (well, I guess for the most part so didn't many Americans, hence Michael Moore's adventure). There was a family that Mr. Moore picked for an interview that really tugged at my heart strings and their story almost compelled me to cry (I completely forgot what that family's story was about, but I will tell you tears were almost spilled). There was one woman whose husband that passed away was insured by their bank so that the bank would solely receive the benefits of him dying. And how they refer to this man (and many others) was with such a demeaning term, "Dead Peasants", which infuriated the wife because the bank had hoped the man would die, and now they insult him.

I think that it's pretty essential for Mr. Moore to be doing such acts so that many people have the chance to learn about it. I do find him quite annoying at some times, but he's still a valuable resource that puts in the effort for me to dig up information that isn't made aware to the masses.

1 comment:

  1. Stephan--Good entry ideas and topics. Pretty good development. No #3.
