Sunday, November 2, 2014

Entry #1 How awesome Blogs are

I think blogs are fantastic ways to express your own opinions on interesting, controversial, or new topics. Blogs are so intricate in the way one can network their information to share on such an efficient template and it's user friendly to follow favorite sources. Blogs are open to such diverse tone and style that allows for introducing very professional and personal info, why not both? Well anyone can, which grabs my interest because I enjoy the vast diversity of style of tones. I particularly enjoy when very critical information is being presented in such a comical way. It helps me retain information better if done so in such a way.

My one and only favorite blogger/comic artist/author, The Oatmeal. The most delightful blog I have ever come across that opened an array of information and joy for me. I have learned about what are now my heroes, such as Nicola Tesla, and Bartolome. He has casted a light on what were thought to be our American heroes that have discovered America, but in reality were some of the worse tyrants to ever step foot on this land. Such a person was Christopher Columbus. The way he provides such info is done through over dramatic, silly, and sometimes really serious and personal ways.  Please do read this comic if you ever get the chance.
This blog provides a vast amount of interesting subjects that are often with no correlation to one another. It could be absolutely random and delightful, or boring. But this particular blog post definitely caught my eye since I am absolutely fascinated with images of the galaxies. There was a sufficient amount of information provided with each picture, which was where they cited the source, and what the name of the nebulas were. I found this blog to be entertaining and a little insightful. The tone wasn't really stimulating or enticing, but the things shared are much appreciated. This blog provides cute little pictures of interesting art that can be done with coffee as well as very peculiar facts about coffee that I have never taken the time to investigate. Also, some artwork is composed by my favorite comic author The Oatmeal, so this is indeed very biased and I never would have found out about this blog if it wasn't for him. The rhetoric of the writing is very engaging and even appears that the author has consumed quite a bit of coffee.

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