Sunday, December 14, 2014

My new Life in Blogging

"Blogging has definitely provided an opportunity for me to immerse myself into an online community that I had never known of before. Before this class, I had no clue had blogs and bloggers went about with expressing their ideas, but now I actually enjoy reading what people have to offer. It's definitely a great resource for getting your idea out in an efficient way. I wasn't entirely sure of what I was getting myself into when I was told I was going to a create a blog account. But, I had the mentality to carry this out as best as I could. I took it very seriously because I knew that it was a community that could teach me knew things. It was also something that allowed me to write in a way that I wasn't able to in my previous English classes, so that was quite new and enjoyable."-Previous Blog.

"It allowed me to see what other people had to elaborate about topics that I have never considered taking an interest, and I would have never found out about them otherwise. Like the technology topic, I wouldn't have considered whether it was good or evil if it wasn't for the assignment that was assigned. I found it entertaining to see what several other people had to say about a topic we all had to write about it and having multiple people giving me feed back on a post was always helpful."- Previous Blog.

Everything restated holds very true. It was still a similar process, but I always enjoy seeing what other people had to offer about certain topics I never would have found on my own. Their insights and sometimes silly comments are always refreshing to read. Now that I have had some experience in the blogging realm, I have even been convinced to create a Tumblr, another website to blog. But, I enjoy delving into Tumblr because I am now able to see what my favorite bands are up to and such. Also, I hope to start posting some of my poems on my Tumblr blog to get feedback and criticism to further my writing hobby. I also want to pursue the interest of blogging to follow some registered dietitian's blogs so that I can adventure in my nutritional realm. Blogging in general has led me to meet and talk to new people that are now some very reliable friends. 

Eight weeks later of doing this blogging process, and the system is still pretty flawless. I wouldn't want to advise any change to be done to it. I would encourage other students to make sure to comment on a different blog every single time to increase their diversity engagement in blogging, you never know you might meet. You might even have a similar interest with someone else, you just have to dive in and indulge yourself with this new experience. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

What media does around me #9

I simply do not care and don't watch the news in anyway shape or form, even if eye-grabbing thumbnails are desperately waiting to be clicked on in the sides of Facebook. But, I have actually watched a particular video that was very emotionally appealing to me that completely went against the stereotypical wants in fashion. There were so many factors that were to be analyzed and considered in this video, such as, how were people going to react to it(good or bad), is the purpose of the video to start a movement, will it change our view?

I personally would want such mannequins(that are in the shapes people with deformities, missing limbs,etc oddly spread about in high-end markets so that people could be more aware of the disabled community. This video makes me try to empathize with these people on a level the best I can because I never really gave much thought to mannequins and how "perfect" they are, and how most people disregard to the disabled community in most cases. I tend to focus on how media really affects other people instead of how it might affect me personally because I care more about how the "underdog" is portrayed. I wish we would do something like this in almost every mall.

Schlieren Optics... We all want it. #10

Schlieren Optics is a method that allows a person to see things that aren't able to see by the human eye. 

"Demonstration of an optical technique that allows us to see small changes in the index of refraction in air. A point source of light is reflected from a concave mirror and focused onto the edge of a razor blade, which is mounted in front of the camera. Light refracted near the mirror and intercepted by the blade gives the illusion of a shadow.

Seen here are the heated gases from a candle flame and a hair dryer, helium gas, and sulfur hexafluoride gas."

I really want this to be available in the form of eyeglasses, or giant cyber-looking goggles. Although, the process seems very complicated and impracticle for portable uses, but technology still finds a way.

Could you imagine what it would be like to see images of the air being distorted by heat and other substances? 

Diagnose yourself? #8

There is a device that is called an rHEALTH sensor X that is portable and will be made for consumers.

It's function is to moderate your vitamin levels and theoretically be able to diagnose your illnesses by only sampling a single drop of your blood, which 1000x less than the usual vampiric amount the doctors usually need when they run tests. This was created from "A unique collaboration between NASA’s Glenn Research Center and the DNA Medicine Institute (DMI)"-, The biggest and obvious message that they are trying to push is that since most of us aren't able to take care of ourselves (relying on doctors, nutritionist, etc..) this device will allow people to moderate their own health!

The device is even able to test for diseased you might have in the future, and even cancer! This all happens within the millionth of a second with instant results. It takes your single drop of your blood (haha! Sucks for you, Vampires!!) and it is scanned with lasers to read it's biosignature (Measurable attributes of life).
Seriously..... Going to get my blood drawn and waiting days-weeks for results is agonizing, but with this, I just may be able to learn a lot more about my health just by sampling a single drop of blood in the name of science.

(link opens new browser window) 

Are All Men That Dumb? #7
The content and format of the blog website is so underdeveloped it makes me want to vomit profusely in the most violent way possible. Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but there's so many things that led me astray. I wasn't sure if this was a website that was trying to bring all the stereotypes to light, or to continue the cause of bashing on the male gender. The reason that this was is because they have no introduction, no bio, nothing to explain why the website was created. I kinda found out from reading the small 1-2 sentences that goes with each video, but it's at least a nice relay resource to find all these videos/commercials. To my preference, I would at least want some explanation of what they're striving for. 

In this video men are directly portrayed as incompetent, not safe to leave by themselves, and not independent. The organization behind is called Fidelity, a business that prepares for your retirement. Their general message is that if you're so incompetent, rely on us to do all your thinking for you. At the very end was very subtle of how sexist it was. Throughout the entire thing until the end was just men making a complete fool of themselves, but yet at the very end was a woman being praised for being "her own boss," "genius," "C.E.O." and generally making her THE perfect human being with ultimate success. Their appeal to humor was great, but they should have done it on equal gender terms.