Sunday, December 7, 2014

Diagnose yourself? #8

There is a device that is called an rHEALTH sensor X that is portable and will be made for consumers.

It's function is to moderate your vitamin levels and theoretically be able to diagnose your illnesses by only sampling a single drop of your blood, which 1000x less than the usual vampiric amount the doctors usually need when they run tests. This was created from "A unique collaboration between NASA’s Glenn Research Center and the DNA Medicine Institute (DMI)"-, The biggest and obvious message that they are trying to push is that since most of us aren't able to take care of ourselves (relying on doctors, nutritionist, etc..) this device will allow people to moderate their own health!

The device is even able to test for diseased you might have in the future, and even cancer! This all happens within the millionth of a second with instant results. It takes your single drop of your blood (haha! Sucks for you, Vampires!!) and it is scanned with lasers to read it's biosignature (Measurable attributes of life).
Seriously..... Going to get my blood drawn and waiting days-weeks for results is agonizing, but with this, I just may be able to learn a lot more about my health just by sampling a single drop of blood in the name of science.

(link opens new browser window) 

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