Sunday, December 7, 2014

Schlieren Optics... We all want it. #10

Schlieren Optics is a method that allows a person to see things that aren't able to see by the human eye. 

"Demonstration of an optical technique that allows us to see small changes in the index of refraction in air. A point source of light is reflected from a concave mirror and focused onto the edge of a razor blade, which is mounted in front of the camera. Light refracted near the mirror and intercepted by the blade gives the illusion of a shadow.

Seen here are the heated gases from a candle flame and a hair dryer, helium gas, and sulfur hexafluoride gas."

I really want this to be available in the form of eyeglasses, or giant cyber-looking goggles. Although, the process seems very complicated and impracticle for portable uses, but technology still finds a way.

Could you imagine what it would be like to see images of the air being distorted by heat and other substances? 

1 comment:

  1. This is seriously one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. What would lightning look like through that?
